Input file reference¶
This section describes how to use input files to run your simulations with Lumol. An input file contains all information that you need to run a simulation and it is usually organized in four main sections: input, log, systems and simulations.
- The input section contains metadata about the input itself (i.e. a version number).
- The log sections explains different methods about how Lumol reports information about your simulation such as warnings and errors.
- The systems section contains information about the initial configuration, the interactions between atoms and the simulation cell.
- The simulations section defines how your system will propagate. You can generally choose between molecular dynamics (MD), Monte-Carlo (MC) and energy minimization.
Lumol’s input files use the TOML
format, a simple and minimalist configuration format based on
key = value
pairs. You can read an introduction to the TOML format
# an example input file for a Monte Carlo simulation
# input section
version = 1
# log section
target = "lumol.log"
# systems section
file = "data/"
guess_bonds = true
cell = 100.0
cutoff = "14.0 A"
tail_correction = true
type = "lj"
sigma = "3.750 A"
epsilon = "0.814 kJ/mol"
restriction = "InterMolecular"
C-C = {type = "null"}
# simulations section
nsteps = 1_000_000
outputs = [
{type = "Energy", file = "ethane_ener.dat", frequency = 500},
{type = "Properties", file = "ethane_prp.dat", frequency = 500}
type = "MonteCarlo"
temperature = "217.0 K"
update_frequency = 500
moves = [
{type = "Translate", delta = "20 A", frequency = 50, target_acceptance = 0.5},
{type = "Rotate", delta = "20 deg", frequency = 50, target_acceptance = 0.5},
{type = "Resize", pressure = "5.98 bar", delta = "5 A^3", frequency = 2, target_acceptance = 0.5},